2013 State and National Comparisons


Select State to load State Medians and Percentages

State:  Count of Completed Surveys for State: 0
How many members sit on your governing board?   State Median:   National: 8
Are your board members appointed or elected?
State: Appointed -  Elected -  Both(Hybrid) -
National: Appointed - 23.4% Elected - 64.9% Both(Hybrid) - 11.7%
If appointed, are the members appointed from:
State: District Superintendents -  District Board Members -  Other -
National: District Superintendents - 9.1% District Board Members - 19.5% Other - 11.7%
If elected, from where are your board members elected?
State: sub-districts -  at-large -  other -
National: sub-districts - 48.1% at-large - 33.8% other - 7.8%
If elected, who elects?
State: registered voters -  K-12 board members -  other -
National: registered voters - 51.9% K-12 board members - 22.1% other - 5.2%


1. How many personnel does your Agency employ?
State: Full Time -   Part Time -   Contracted Staff -
National: Full Time - 120  Part Time - 35  Contracted Staff - 3
State (Median):Certified/Licensed Staff-  Classified (non-certified/support)-  Central Office Staff -
National (Median): Certified/Licensed Staff- 84 Classified (non-certified/support)- 73 Central Office Staff - 11
2.What is the general background of the certified/licensed staff employed by your Agency?
State: Bachelors -  Masters -  Doctorate -
Years Experience for certified/licensed Staff -  Years CEO served as ESA agency CEO -
National: Bachelors - 29  Masters - 62 Doctorate - 2
Years Experience for certified/licensed Staff - 14 Years CEO served as ESA agency CEO - 4


3. To what extent does your agency collect data to inform organizational decision making?
1) Not at all - 10) Great Extent

State Median:   National Median: 7.0
4. What data does your agency collect? (choose all that apply)State Pct: Red - National Pct: Blue
  92.2%   88.3%
  75.3%   62.3%


5. How many Client School Districts does your ESA serve?  16.0
   What percentage of your client districts are:
    Rural: %    80.0%  Suburban: %    37.8%  Urban: %    5.9%
   # non-public schools:      2.0# charter schools:    1.0
# students in smallest client district:    553
# students in largest client district:    6,500
   What percentage of students in your client districts are eligible for Free or Reduced Lunch?    45.0%
6. To how many local governments or local political subdivisions inside and outside your geographic service area (excluding schools) does your ESA provide support services?      2.0


7. How often do you survey your customers (choose all that apply):
at each "point of contact"    57.1%


8. How many students participate in your programs?
Directly (direct instruction, support services, etc.):     787.5
Indirectly (total population, ADA and/or ADM for all client school districts):     25,500


9. How many professional development events did your ESA host/provide last year?     166.0
  What was the total combined attendance at these training events (if you don't know please estimate)?     3,400
10. To what extent does your ESA provide non-instructional shared services to other public sector organizations?
    1) Not at all - 10) Great Extent

State Median:   National Median: 4.0
11. Is your ESA currently developing any new non-instructional shared service offerings to your client districts or other local political subdivisions?
State:   National: 68.8%
"Shared Services" - Shared Services is a collaborative strategy that is fundamentally about optimizing people, capital, time and other resources. The purpose of shared services is for school districts and other public entities to take advantage of economies of scale through collaboration and to leverage the one-to-many business model to drive down operating costs and reallocate more dollars toward student instruction. Sharing services creates the economies of scale and consistency of process and results that come with more centralized models but allows districts and other organizations to maintain the benefits of decentralized administration to retain oversight of  operations while benefiting in the best of big and small.
12. In the list below, check all areas in which your agency provides services:
  Special Education Services - To employ personnel for classroom cooperatives and related services and to assist school districts with legal compliance.
  Student Programs - To assist school districts with meeting the diverse needs of students.
  High Quality Professional Development - To provide high quality trainings that meet school district needs.
  Implementation of Federal and State Regulations - To assist school districts with federal and state rules implementation.
 Community Partnerships - To provide leadership through participation in community activities.
 At-Risk Youth - To provide services to at-risk and incarcerated youth as well as juvenile court systems.
How many school attendance officers does your ESA employ?     .0
How many juvenile court liasons does your ESA employ?     .0
Does your ESA provide educational programs and services to detention centers and/or state department of youth services?     40.3%
If applicable, does your ESA provide special education and support services to incarcerated youth?     46.8%
Does your ESA provide transition support services for incarcerated youth? (Does the ESA provide support services in partnership with any or all of the following: juvenile court, detention center and/or state department of youth services, school districts to support student transition back into the schools?)     35.1%
  Technology - to provide technology and technology support services to school personnel and students and/or local political subdivisions.
  Administration - to provide back office support functions that improve service quality, efficiency, effectiveness, and cost savings for school districts and other agency clients.
(L & I)     14.3%
  Fleet Management and Operations - to provide transportation and related services to achieve economies of scale, to improve efficiency, effectiveness and cost savings for school districts and other agency clients.
  Facilities and Operations - to provide facilities management, maintenance and operational support services to leverage resources and achieve economies of scale to improve efficiency, effectiveness and cost savings for school districts and other agency clients.


13. What is the highest degree of evidence you have that your programs are effective in producing defined outcomes and intended results (including student achievement)?

anecdotal only:   9.5%  program evaluation date:   66.2%  independent research study:   5.2%
14. Does your organization PURCHASE or RECEIVE services from other publicly funded organizations?     67.5%
15. In estimated or actual dollars, HOW MUCH did your ESA spend or purchase through non-instructional shared service arrangements provided by another governmental entity in your most recent fiscal year?
16. Does your organization PROVIDE non-instructional shared services to other public sector organizations?     61.0%
17. In round numbers, how much estimated or actual revenue resulted from PROVIDING non-instructional shared services and other consortia programs or services to other governmental entities in your most recent fiscal year?
18. Which of the following best describes the level of non-instructional shared services participation (offering or receiving) in your organization?
Right level of shared services:   28.6%  Not enough use of shared services:   48.1%   Too much use of shared services:     No shared services:   9.1%  I don't know:   1.3%
19. Has a specific ESA-SPONSORED collaboration or non-instructional shared service activity directly resulted in reduced personnel costs for client districts or local political subdivisions as a result of eliminating or combining positions, whether through termination or attrition?     53.2%
20. What is the estimated or actual amount of financial savings for clients from use of non-instructional shared services PROVIDED by your organization in your most recent fiscal year?
Amount     $60,000.00
21. To what extent does the agency promote, support, and build its constituent districts' capacity for the implementation of research-based instructional strategies, innovations, and activities that facilitate achievement for all students?
  1) Not at all - 10) A great extent

State:    National:  8.0
Impact: Please add any additional comments or information, as appropriate, to demonstrate impact of specific services provided which you may not believe were covered adequately in the questions above.



22. What is your annual revenue?
   For purposes of this survey we are seeking the following information from your last completed fiscal year:
General Fund Revenue (use your respective state or organization definition of "general fund"):     $9,421,662.50
Total Revenue (all funds):     $17,500,000.00
Federal Funding :     $1,438,671.00
"Federal" funding is defined as any federal funding recieved by your ESA either directly from a federal government agency or as a "flow through" through state or local agencies:
  • Title I
  • Title IV
  • Federal Competitive Grants
  • Other Federal funding Sources
State Operating Funding :     $483,924.50
"State Operating" funding is defined as any state funding received directly by your ESA without applying or competing:
  • State Operational Subsidy
Other State Funding (total) :     $1,255,892.00
"Other State" funding is defined as any state funding received by your ESA for which your agency must apply, compete, or be the designated recipient for the purpose of providing a specific scope of work outside regular operating funding:
  • competitive grants    $113,263.00
  • state contracts    $200,000.00
  • state categorical funding (i.e. special education, gifted, early childhood    $897,413.00
Local Funding :    $7,401,200.00
"local" funding is defined as:
  • Local levy or other funds collected through taxing authority
  • Local Client District Contracts
  • Other Local Contracts
Other Funding :     $25,200.00
"other" funding is defined as funding not identified as "federal", "state", or "local" (e.g., private foundation grants, other).
23. What are your ESA's annual expenditures?
Total General Fund expenditures for last completed fiscal year :     $9,448,300.00
Total expenditures for last completed fiscal year :    $17,772,631.00
From total expenditures, how much money does your ESA expend for school improvement specific activities and related expenses?     $300,000.00
(note: while everything your ESA may provide is geared toward improving student achievement, this question relates directly to specific school improvement services)
Annual agency payroll?     $7,984,337.50
24. How much of your payroll is paid annually to:
  a. in federal taxes?      $578,379.9
  b. state taxes?      $155,643.0
  c. local taxes?      $50,705.0
  d. retirement?      $954,552.0
 What are your annual healthcare costs?     $1,388,000.00


25. To what degree does the agency promote and support the alignment and articulation of its programs, products and services for curriculum, instructional strategies, and assessments toward the agency's and constituents' expectations for student learning?
Not Yet   1.3%   Beginning   2.6%   Developing   40.3%   Operational   46.8%
26. To what degree does the agency promote, support, and build its own organizational capacity for the implementation of research-based instructional strategies, innovations, and activities that facilitate achievement for all students?
Not Yet   1.3%   Beginning   9.1%   Developing   40.3%   Operational   40.3%
27. To what degree does the agency provide technical assistance and promote and support access to comprehensive information, instuctional technology, and media services for all ESA staff?
Not Yet   3.9%   Beginning   13.0%   Developing   29.9%   Operational   44.2%
28. To what degree does the ESA have a process(es) to ensure that agency staff are qualified and continue to be well prepared to fulfill their duties and responsibilities?
Not Yet      Beginning      Developing   28.6%   Operational   62.3%
29. From general fund expenditures, how much money does your ESA expend for internal professional development?