
Direct Support Professionals can pursue four specialized credentials, which have been recognized at the state and national levels.

The Basic Certificate is a course of study that gives the student a basic knowledge of the skills required to become a Direct Support Professional. The DSPATHS Certification requires thirty (30) hours of classroom instruction. The Basic Certificate is equivalent to the first ten (10) modules of the Certificate of Initial Proficiency (CIP) from the DSPATHS Credentialing Program.

The Certificate of Initial Proficiency (CIP) is a course of study that focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and confidence of the direct support professional. The DSPATHS CIP Program requires sixty (60) hours of classroom instruction. In addition, candidates are required to demonstrate their proficiency in specific competency areas through the development of a professional portfolio.

The Certificate of Advanced Proficiency (CAP) is an education and training program designed for direct support professionals who have completed the Certificate of Initial Proficiency (CIP) and are interested in pursuing a higher level of certification, learning and skill attainment. The DSPATHS CAP Program requires sixty (60) hours of classroom instruction. In addition, candidates are required to demonstrate their proficiency in specific competency areas through the development of a professional portfolio.

The Certificate of Specialized Skills and Knowledge includes specialized instruction to become a certified PATHS instructor or to work in supervision or management.



CIP graduates are able to take specialized courses related to their work with individuals with intellectual disabilities as well as other professionals.


Older Adults

Creating a Positive Culture in our Work

Dual Diagnosis



Coaching & Mentoring